Happy Groundhog Day

Or Unhappy Groundhog Day in This Case!

Depressed Groundhog Sees Shadow of Rodent He Once Was

Fresh from the Onion, which stays oniony fresh after all these years.

PUNXSUTAWNEY, PA—According to sources, clinically depressed groundhog and weather prognosticator Punxsutawney Phil awoke from his slumber this early morning, peered directly into his soul, and saw but a mere pathetic shadow of the rodent he once was. “My God, is this who I am now? Is this what I’ve become?” the melancholy animal told reporters, staring hopelessly out onto the pale morning light outside his pen.

Groundhog onemanz.com

Read More: https://www.theonion.com/depressed-groundhog-sees-shadow-of-rodent-he-once-was-1819574495

No Sports? No Problem – VERY Funny Stuff

Hilarious Commentary of Everyday Activities Now That Sports are Cancelled

Having all sports cancelled, a pro rugby commentator Nick Heath does play-by-play about dog walkers, grocery shoppes, street crosses. BRILLIANT!

So happy someone shared this with me. Enjoy this very clever collection of short, funny videos made by a pro sports journalist, Nick Heath.
