Christmas Truce 1914 – Monday Map

One hundred years ago this week the First World War experienced a spontaneous Christmas Truce.

Combatants along a stretch of the Western Front left the trenches, laid down their arms and met as people on common ground that had been no man’s land, and would soon be again.

Against orders, these men of shared European ancestry, faith, and traditions brought some humanity into what proved the most profane and savage warfare the world had ever seen. Many who took part in the Christmas Truce didn’t live to see another yuletide. But many others did live to write about it and tell their grandchildren about it face to face.

Christmas Truce 1914
Approximate position of the front line is in black

Much has been written about the famous Christmas Truce of 1914, so I will simply recommend the following websites:

This first site is dedicated to a British soldier from Scotland, created by a decedent, and it has a very nice post related specifically to the Christmas Truce. The solider, John  Minnery saw considerable action, yet survived the war and other military operations that followed it.

And here is a site created specifically around the Christmas Truce and its commemoration and lots of interesting personal accounts, from both sides, and details about the legendary football match, which broke out between some of the soldiery. It also has some good links for further reading


Europe Then and Now – Monday Map

Someone over at the Unofficial Martin Guitar forum posted a link to the fabulous site whence comes the latest Monday Map, showing Europe’s political situation in the year 1 A.D.

This cool map and the one below are found in a section entitled History of Europe, featuring similar maps from every hundred years since Year 1.

Europe map in Year 1 and 2000

This is just one part of a site that is wonderfully immersive and educational. In addition to maps of Europe, including those from antiquity, there is a section on world history, North America, the Middle East, and so on. There is also a shopping section where various maps and other items are available for sale!


Brooklyn laps up its first snowstorm of December

As I walked home in the darkening afternoon, along the stone-face grumps and grinches clutching their collars against the mean and petty snow sent sideways by a bickering wind, I saw a girl of 8 and her baby sister gleefully skipping along trying to catch snowflakes on their tongues, and laughing like little glowing lamps.

I think the reason Christmas has always mattered to so many who have no particular connection to the mishmash of ancient mythologies that led to it is specifically because December is so deep and dark, as Paul Simon put it. It can be an infusion of cheer and bright lights when they are needed most.

And that bit about good will to all peoples is pretty great too. And that will have extra poignancy as we mark the 100th anniversary of the impromptu “Christmas truce” along the trenches in 1914.

Native American Language Groups – Monday Map

The language groups of indigenous North Americans shifted location during the advances of European settlers.

Many of the tribes thought of as the Plains Indians didn’t populate that part of the continent until they migrated there after their ancestral lands were encroached upon. Native American languages tied far flung bands together.

So some of this map of Native American language groups is based on modern locations and general whereabouts during the era of expansion after the American Revolution.

native american language groups mp

Compare this map to a previous Monday Map, the pre-1810 map drawn by Lewis and Clark, which includes many Native American bands, in the areas where they were encountered.

Migration in the U.S. – Monday Map

A informative migration map showing what percentage of each state was born there.

It also shows where the largest groups of migrants came from. Some interesting surprises as migration shifts across the years.

Clicking on this migration map takes you to a page at where one may compare these figures with those from 1900 and 1950.

ny times migration map

Colors representing migrant origins
Red – Northeast
Green -South
Blue – Midwest
Yellow – West
Gray – Outside the U.S.
Significant migration from specific states is labeled as well.
I found it fascinating that the southern states only about half of the southern states are comprised of natives, compared to nearly 90% on average in average in 1900, while the western states had incredible incoming migration over the past century and now retain most of their native born residents.
This map is related to a series of charts showing a state by state history of who came and who went and where they went.
ny times migration chart

Lewis and Clark – Monday Map

Lewis and Clark’s Corps of Discovery reached the Pacific Ocean on November 19, 1805

They were the first people of European origin to cross North America and their many discoveries along the way have reverberated through the years ever since.

Here is the map that Lewis and Clark created, which was published in 1814. Clicking on it will take you to a fabulously large version that you may zoom into and see in amazing detail

Lewis and Clark map

Source: David Rumsey Map Collection

The United States of America had purchased an enormous tract of land from France, known as the Louisiana Purchase. President Jefferson commissioned the expedition, peopled by U.S. Army volunteers commanded by Captain Meriwether Lewis and his friend Second Lieutenant William Clark.

This is the second edition of the map from 1815, published under the full title of:

A Map of Lewis and Clark’s Track, Across the Western Portion of North America From the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean; By Order of the Executive of the United States, in 1804, 5 & 6. Copied by Samuel Lewis from the Original Drawing of Wm. Clark. Neele, sculp. 352 Strand, London … April 28th, 1814 by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orne & Brown, Paternoster Row.  

And here is a map showing the political boundaries of the day, with outlines of the modern states that Lewis and Clark traversed when they were wilderness.

Clicking on this map will take you to an interactive version at, which has much additional information about the Corps of Discovery Expedition.

Lewis and Clark map PBS



Philae Lands on Comet

The robot probe Philae touched down on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko at about 1605 GMT.

An enormous achievement for human kind that will be barely noticed by most people.

For 99% of human history comets were thought to be portends if not the cause of disaster, disease, and death, sent by a god or demon to warn or punish mankind. Every society on Earth known for its supposedly divinely inspired holy texts thought so.

photo: ESA/Rosetta/Navcam

Now these dusty snowballs from the edge of the solar system, formed billions of years before humans evolved, are known for what they really are. And should stand as a symbol of the power of science, reason, and enlightenment to sweep away the destructive veils of ignorance, prejudice and superstition masquerading as “belief” that is sadly influencing most of the world still. And that is not just referring to barbaric hoards like IS.

In an episode of the television series Cosmos, host Neil deGrasse Tyson mentioned that most of us could name more serial killers off the top of their heads than scientists responsible for the greatest advancements of our civilization. And continually we hear politicians and other civic “leaders” declaring that verifiable truth like global warming and the evolution of species from earlier forms can be believed in or not with equal validity, like other things they choose to believe in or not based on what they wish was so.

You want prophesy that actually comes true? Nothing outside of science comes close to Edmund Halley using Newton’s Laws of Gravity to predict in 1705 that a comet would appear in 1758, 16 years after his death, and every 76 years thereafter.

And yet it took until the twentieth century before we learned with certainly what comets actually are and where they come from.

And now we have successfully landed a man made machine on a comet! But it has taken the collective courage and investigation of centuries of scientists to get there.

The Historic Comet Landing

The European Space Agency’s Rosetta spacecraft was launched on March 2, 2004, and traveled 6.4 billion kilometers (3.97 billion miles) through space to reach the comet on August 6, 2014. After studying the comet from a distance, Rosetta moved within 10 kilometers for closer inspection. And today the Philae probe made a successful landing on the comet’s icy surface – a first in human history.

The decent took 7 hours, without propulsion and with no certainty that it would not crash into a cliff or end up swallowed by a fissure.

“After more than 10 years travelling through space, we’re now making the best ever scientific analysis of one of the oldest remnants of our Solar System,” said Alvaro Giménez, Director of Science and Robotic Exploration at the ESA.

It will take some hours before they know exactly where it landed and to start receiving photos and data of the chemical composition of this ancient piece of the solar system, which likely formed before the planets were born some 4 billion years ago.

Comet_over_London ESA
Comet 67P Over London – photo: ESA/Rosetta/Navcam; Map data ©2014 Google, Bluesky

Related Links

Official ESA Press Release

Edmund Halley entry at

I cannot post a link to Episode 3 of Cosmos, which focuses on comets, Newton and Halley. But it is currently available on Netflix, and I highly recommend it. It is inspiring and entertaining, and has some breathtaking visual effects.


Exoplanets – Monday Map

A place to call home? The location of known exoplanets relatively near Earth appear in this map.

Exoplanets, or extrasolar planets, are planets orbiting stars other than our own Sun.

Someday the Sun will evolve into a red giant star, swallowing the inner planets. Our distant decedents will need to seek other worlds to inhabit before the Earth can no longer sustain life. Already, people are exploring which galactic neighborhoods may be most appealing.

Exoplanets near Earth
click to enlarge

A hi-res, poster-size version of this map is available HERE

On Wednesday the following image was released showing planets forming around a star, captured at the international astronomy facility in Chili, known as ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array.) At 450 light years from earth, star HL Tau is approximately one millions years young.

HL Tau planetary disc formed by expoplanets

Never before has such a clear image of an accretion disc been captured, showing where definite gaps have been cleared by new planets, collecting material with their gravitational fields.

“When we first saw this image we were astounded at the spectacular level of detail. HL Tauri is no more than a million years old, yet already its disc appears to be full of forming planets. This one image alone will revolutionize theories of planet formation…”  – Catherine Vlahakis, Lead Program Scientist for the ALMA Long Baseline Campaign.

Verified reports of the initial exoplanets appeared in the journal Nature in 1995. At present over 1800 exoplanets have been discovered in over 1100 different planetary systems. Most of these are giant gas planets, like Jupiter. But many smaller planets have been verified as well.

The earliest finds were detected by their gravitational tug upon their home star, which “wobbled” slightly as the planet orbited around it. This technique was first suggested by astronomer Otto Struve in 1952. But it took another 40 years before the instruments required were perfected to accomplish the task. Many other methods of detection have been used to discover or confirm other exoplanets.

A survey by the Kepler space telescope of a small portion of the night sky has already identified a few thousands stars likely to harbor exoplanets. And that is but a drop in the galactic bucket.

Related Links About Extrasolar Planets

Official ALMA Press Release

University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo’s Habitability Planetary Laboratory – other cool exoplanet maps

Scientific American’s interactive map of exoplanets – see the Earth-like planets, compared to the gas giants.

NASA’s Quest for Another Earth page

NASA’s Kepler telescope page


American Rivers – Monday Map

Can you find your hometown river on this map of  Untied States, made up entirely by American rivers?

American rivers map Blanchard s
click to enlarge

I was able to identify the Continental Divide easily enough. That is where rivers change from flowing toward the Atlantic and Caribbean to rivers that empty into the Pacific. And some of the major waterways are immediately recognizable, as are some state borders created by American rivers. But it is amazing to see just how many individual rivers there are in this one nation on the planet Earth.

It took some scouring of satellite maps, but I was able to find mine own hometown river – the Blanchard, in northwest Ohio. It is highlighted in red, although you may need to click on the map to enlarge it enough to make that out.

Queghtuwa was one aboriginal name for this tributary of the Auglaize, which feeds the Maumee on its way from Ft. Wayne, Indiana to Toledo, Ohio, where it empties into Lake Erie. I must confess, until I saw this map of the continental U.S. made up entirely of rivers, I had no idea exactly where the Blanchard started and where it ended. I just watched it roll by throughout my formative years, when I wasn’t swimming in it.

Rivers are taken for granted these days, but they have been at the heart of human civilization since prehistoric times. Where there’s water there is life. And where there is a river, there was fish, game, irrigation, and arteries to transport goods and people with relative ease for millennia before airliners and motorways, railroads and stage coaches, or even oxcarts and chariots.

Their earlier importance remains with us today, in all the territorial boundaries that include rivers, as well as all the many names of places and things named after rivers, from the Rhineland, to Thames Television, to the Ebola virus.

Where I come from, Blanchard Valley was used as a title for everything from recreational areas to the hospital where I was born. But one would be hard pressed to find any sign of a valley there. After a glacier sat its keister on the area for several centuries, the highest peak in the county is the man made reservoir. But meandering there through the pancake flat landscape was the most interesting geographic feature, the lazy, brown Blanchard River.

Named after a Frenchman who settled among the Shawnee Indians sometime after the American Revolution, the Blanchard once fed the Black Swamp, which was drained long ago and tamed into fertile flat fields of corn, soy beans, and sugar beets.

In recent years the Blanchard River made the front page of the New York Times, where a photo of my cousin appeared. He was in a small boat traversing his neighborhood, which had been flooded by the Blanchard. His home was flooded twice in three years, when the Blanchard was known for flooding once every thirty-five years. It is suspected that development of outlying areas has filled in or altered the natural watershed of streams and creeks, resulting in undue pressure put upon rivers like the Blanchard.

And at a cost of over $100 million in Findlay, Ohio alone, in just one flood, it is clear that muddy rivers rise up to smite us, when we take them too much for granted.

A massive version of this map can be found at

Ghost Map of London – Monday Map

With the media Ebola circus reaching hysterical levels, the World Health Organization announces that the outbreak has ended in Nigeria. And this week’s Map is one of the most important made in the modern world. Known as the Ghost Map, it shows a section of Soho, in London in the year 1854, and it was drawn by the physician John Snow.

Ghost Map of London by John Snow

It was given its spooky title because it indicates the number of deaths at each residence during a particularly virulent outbreak of cholera, the horrific disease that causes violent expulsion of fluids from both ends of the victim, until they die. Although not always fatal, it was a fearful scourge in nineteenth-century Europe, and it still kills thousands of people annually around globe in our own time. It is spread through human waste infecting drinking water. Snow was the first to discover this.

In 1854, the world medical community believed diseases like cholera and typhus were caused by bad air, or “miasma.” Dr. Snow had treated cholera victims in a mining community before moving to London, and wondered why he could breathe the same air as they but did not contract the disease. He risked his life to plunge into the neighborhood suffering the most fatalities during the London outbreak, where he conducted a door to door census of cholera victims.

Snow discovered that the area with the most victims were near a particular public water pump on Broad Street. He further discovered that victims who did not live there either worked at a nearby factory, or had water fetched from the pump because they thought it tasted better than their local pump. Meanwhile, the local brewery had no victims amongst the employees, because they were given a daily ration of ale and according to the owner none of them drank water at all.

Cholera Ghost Map Closeup
He alerted authorities who removed the pump handle and had local water supplies treated with chlorine, which led to the end of the outbreak. It was learned much later that an old cesspit had been paved over and forgotten about was the source of the contamination.

Although this was not the first time someone made a map showing the distribution of cholera victims during an outbreak, it was the first time that cholera outbreaks were linked to drinking water. As a result, Dr. John Snow is credited as the father of modern Epidemiology, which the World Health Organization “defines as the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events (including disease), and the application of this study to the control of diseases and other health problems.”

Snow had already established his reputation as a champion of early anesthetics, having perfected devices for administering chloroform and ether. In 1853, he successfully used chloroform on Queen Victoria during the birth of her eighth child, which increased public acceptance of anesthesia. He also performed the same procedure four years later, for the birth of her ninth child.

Dr. John Snow died of a stroke four years after creating his Ghost Map. Unfortunately, his assertions about the distribution of cholera through drinking water were rejected by most of the medical minds of the time. In the 1870s the established medical community officially declared miasmata as the source of cholera infection. An Italian doctor had first seen cholera bacteria through a microscope the same year Snow made his map. It was rediscovered and isolated by a German scientist in 1884, but even then people failed to recognize that it was spread through drinking water, clinging to the bad air model. And as late as the major typhus outbreak in Germany in 1901, authorities refused to abandon such mistaken ideas.

It remains difficult to get populations to understand the importance of clean drinking water. In fact, Cholera is more common worldwide today than any time since World War II, as can be seen in this bonus map.

cholera spread map

It is sad statement on the disparity of wealth and health in the twenty-first century. At least the disease is treatable and reduced to a rarity in the industrialized “first world.”

Dr. John Snow is remembered today by chapters of the John Snow Society, and there is even a pub in London that bears his name, and has his portrait on the sign. The bartenders claim to have the actual handle removed from the Broad Street pump by John Snow in 1854.

John Snow and his Ghost Map figures prominently in a new series on PBS called How We Got to Now, in the episode entitled Clean, which describes “how our battle against dirt created the sidewalk, the swimming pool, the flat screen and the iPhone” – not to mention modern skateboarding. This excellent six-part series is hosted by the popular American science author Steven Johnson, and explores how ideas arise and develop, often with unintended and far-reaching consequences. It is sort of a combination of earlier science series like Carl Sagan’s Cosmos and James Burke’s Connections. I recommend it highly.

Ghost Map Related Reading:

On the Mode of Communication of Cholera, Excerpts from John Snow’s own 1855 publication, at the website of the University of California at Irvine.

John Snow Society – official website

A Visit to the John Snow Pub – a blogger’s tail

World Health Organization – the official website

How We Got To Now – the PBS Series